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What Are the Requirements for a Consent Order? (Essential Guide)

What Are the Requirements for a Consent Order? (Essential Guide)

When separating couples reach an agreement on dividing their assets or childcare responsibilities, they often seek a consent order to formalise their agreement and make it legally binding. Acquiring a consent order from the Family Court is essential to ensure that both parties follow the agreed terms and for them to seek legal recourse if necessary. […]

How to Split Assets in Divorce in Australia? (Divorce Settlement Guide)

How to Split Assets in Divorce in Australia? Who Gets What?

It’s a common misconception in Australia that a divorce includes all aspects of separating, including the division of financial assets. Divorce is the process of terminating a couple’s marital relationship. Who gets what in a divorce is determined by a separate financial settlement. If you’re wondering how to split assets in divorce, it’s important to […]

Understanding Child Custody Laws in Australia (Ensure the Best for Your Child)

Important Things to Know About Child Custody Laws in Australia

Understanding child custody laws is crucial as the welfare of children and who has custody is one of the most significant decisions to be made. When parents of a child under the age of 18 separate, they both retain responsibility for the child’s welfare and financial support, irrespective of their relationship status. Child custody arrangements […]

What Should I Do When My Ex Delaying Property Settlement? (Ensure Fair Outcomes)

What to Do When an Ex Wife or Ex Husband Delaying Property Settlement?

When separating or divorcing, it’s common to want to get it over and done with so you can move on. However, it’s common for one party to delay the settlement of the property. This can be because it’s a common misconception that you cannot finalise your property settlement until after you’ve finalised your divorce or […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Family Lawyer in Brisbane (Get Advice That Works for You)

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Family Lawyer in Brisbane

This article considers the role of experienced family lawyers in the legal system, highlighting the importance to hire a family lawyer. This includes issues like documentation, negotiation, and court proceedings. They will ensure compliance, efficiency, and the protection of all parties’ interests. This is especially important when children are involved. 1. Family Law Expertise A […]

7 Tips to Develop a Healthy Diet During and After Divorce (Eat Right, Feel Better)

7 Tips to Develop a Healthy Diet During and After Divorce (Eat Right, Feel Better)

We all understand our diet impacts our physical health. Bad diets can lead to serious outcomes like developing heart disease. However, it can also profoundly affect our mental and emotional well-being. Protecting all these aspects is crucial during stressful times like a divorce, making a healthy diet essential. This article will cover 7 tips to […]

Marriage and Divorce Statistics in Brisbane (2024 Updated)

Marriage and Divorce Statistics in Brisbane

Marriage and divorce rates are affected by many factors and can also indicate social trends. For these reasons, it’s crucial to keep updated about the latest marriage and divorce trends to understand family law. These trends have implications for property and parenting matters that are relevant for sociological and policy reasons. This article will look […]

How Brisbane’s Family Law Has Changed Over the Decades? (Discover the Changes)

How Brisbane's Family Law Has Changed Over the Decades?

Family law issues have undergone significant changes over the decades in Brisbane. In early colonial Australia, family law operated very differently from the present day. The article traces the evolution of divorce laws. It began with the stringent “at-fault” principle, requiring proof of misconduct like adultery. Then, there was the more liberal Matrimonial Clauses Act […]

Discover The 3 Simple Steps To Create a Fair Parenting Plan (Parents Guide)

3 Simple Steps To Create a Fair Parenting Plan (Parents Guide)

Co-parenting can be hard, but your children will be happier if you do it right. This article discusses the important things you must do to make a good parenting plan. You have to work together, talk clearly, and respect each other. If you do these things, you can ensure your children are cared for. Remember, […]

3 Easy Steps Process to Create a Binding Financial Agreement in Brisbane

3 Easy Steps Process to Create a Binding Financial Agreement in Brisbane

A binding financial agreement (BFA) is a legally binding property settlement. It formally arranges the division of a couple’s financial resources and assets in case of a relationship breakdown. BFAs can be made before (pre-nuptial agreements), during, or after a marriage or de facto relationship. Here’s an overview of the process. How to Create a […]