Highly Skilled Brisbane Property Settlement Lawyers

Secure your property settlements today for a brighter tomorrow with ease.

Finding Property Settlement Lawyers in Brisbane

Financial and property division is often one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce or separation.

Understanding property and financial settlements can help you navigate this complex process. Here’s what you need to know.

property settlement lawyers
couple thinking about properties and investments

What Are Financial & Property Settlements?

Financial and property settlements divide assets, liabilities, and financial resources between parties following a separation or divorce. This includes real estate, investments, superannuation, debts, and future earnings.

Property settlements apply to a married couple divorcing and a de facto relationship breaking up. The process is governed by the Family Law Act 1975.

Our property settlement lawyers provide expert services for property division, even in the most complex cases.

Why Property Settlement is Important?

Fair Distribution

Australian family law provides guidelines for a property settlement agreement. A well-produced settlement adheres to these legal frameworks. This ensures that the distribution aligns with current laws and court precedents.

It requires both parties to disclose their financial circumstances fully. This transparency is critical to dividing property fairly. It prevents one party from hiding assets or understating their value.

The settlement considers both financial and non-financial contributions of each party. Contributions include income, property brought into the relationship, and contributions like homemaking and caregiving. This ensures a holistic view of each party’s input.

It takes into account the future needs of both parties. This includes age, health, financial resources, care of children, and the ability to earn income. This ensures that the settlement is fair at the moment of division and in the long term.

It ensures that both parties’ rights are protected. The settlement must not be unduly influenced by one party over the other.

Besides assets, it also distributes debts and liabilities. These distributions ensure that one party is not unfairly burdened.

Financial Independence

Finalising the parties’ financial ties gives each other autonomy over their finances. They can decide about investments, savings, and expenditures without their former partner.

The settlement may include provisions for financial support. This ensures that a less self-sufficient party (due to reasons like childcare responsibilities or a career break) receives support. This will help them transition towards financial independence.

By addressing and dividing shared debts, the settlement prevents future financial entanglements. Each party becomes solely responsible for their allocated debts. This eliminates dependencies related to joint financial obligations.

In Australia, superannuation (retirement funds) can be split during the property settlement process. This ensures that both parties have resources for retirement. This will contribute to long-term financial independence.

Future disputes are minimised by legally formalising the division of assets and liabilities. This stability is essential for both parties to focus on their financial futures without legal challenges.

Legal Finality

Once a property settlement is agreed upon and formalised, it becomes legally enforceable. This can be through a court order or a binding financial agreement. This legal finality prevents future claims or disputes over property and finances. This offers a sense of closure to both parties.

Settlements outline the financial rights and obligations of each party. A well-produced settlement offers certainty and predictability. Parties can plan their financial futures without fearing unexpected claims or changes.

A reasonable settlement takes into account the unique circumstances of each party. It ensures that the outcome is fair and equitable. This personalised approach helps achieve a resolution that both parties can accept.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Property Settlement Lawyer?

Benefits and Importance

Having a skilled property settlement lawyer by your side is crucial during a property settlement. They will ensure you receive a fair share, enabling you to move forward confidently.

With their assistance, you can protect your assets and secure your financial future.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Property settlements can be challenging, as emotions can run high, and there are many legal details to sort out. Good property settlement lawyers can simplify this process, guiding you through each step and ensuring you understand your rights.

They also help find common ground and aim for a resolution that benefits everyone involved.

How Our Property Settlement Lawyers Can Help You?

Hiding assets

Forensic Accounting. We works with forensic accountants. These accountants specialise in tracing and identifying hidden assets. We can analyse financial records, unusual transactions, and discrepancies indicating hidden assets.

Disclosure. There may be a suspicion of hidden assets. We can get court orders for the other party to provide full financial disclosure. This includes bank statements, tax returns, business records, and other financial documents.

Litigation Experience. If the matter proceeds to Family Court, we have the experience to represent clients effectively in Court. Our property settlement lawyers will present a strong case to the judge. We will show the evidence of hidden assets and argue for a fair distribution based on the true financial picture.

Rushing the process

Managing Timelines. We can manage the timelines of the settlement process. This ensures enough time for proper consideration and analysis of all factors. These include complex financial arrangements.

Providing Informed Advice. We can help you understand the financial situation thoroughly. This includes the valuation of all assets and liabilities. We can explain the potential consequences of a rushed settlement.

Negotiating Strategically. Our experienced property settlement lawyers have the skills to negotiate effectively and strategically. We can ensure our clients make good decisions under pressure. We manage communications and negotiations with the other party or their legal representatives.

Our Process

Planning The Case

  • Initial Consultation: Meet with the client to understand their specific needs and concerns.
  • Legal Research: Conduct thorough research to understand the legal implications of the case.
  • Strategy Development: Develop a comprehensive strategy tailored to the client’s situation.

Detailly Evaluate Situation

  • Financial Assessment: Review all financial documents and assets involved.
  • Parenting Assessment: If children are involved, evaluate the best interests of the child.
  • Risk Analysis: Identify any potential risks or challenges that may arise during the case.

File Case To The Court

  • Documentation: Prepare all necessary legal documents, such as petitions, affidavits, and financial disclosures.
  • Filing: Submit the case to the appropriate court jurisdiction.
  • Court Appearances: Represent the client in court hearings and negotiations.

Why Choose Andrews Family Lawyers

Choosing a law firm that specialises in this area and puts your needs first is essential. Andrews Family Lawyers is an excellent option for a few reasons:

Expert Advice:

We deeply understand family law and can guide you step by step through the process. We’ll make sure everything is done correctly and efficiently.

Personalised Attention:

Every case is unique, so we take the time to understand your circumstances. Your concern will be tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Proven Success:

We have an excellent track record of handling cases successfully. You can trust us to handle your case with professionalism and care.

4. Client-Focused Approach:

We want to ensure you feel comfortable and informed throughout the legal process. We’ll do everything possible to make it as stress free as possible.

Accessible and Supportive:

Our team is approachable and supportive. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way and provide the support you need to get through the process.

Are you in need of a property settlement lawyer?

We are here to assist you!

Meet Peter Andrews

Peter is a qualified legal practitioner with over twenty years of experience, predominantly in family law. Peter began his career with Clayton Utz before moving into suburban practice in 2007 with a focus on family law settlements.

Peter began his practice, Peter Andrews Lawyer Pty Ltd, in 2013. After many years of success, the business was rebranded Andrews Family Lawyers in 2022.
Peter is a married father of three young, intelligent and often annoying children who are still lovely.

Trusted By Our Clients

With a proven track record in resolving complex family law issues, we've earned the confidence and trust of families across north Brisbane.

Thank you, Peter from Andrews Family Lawyers, it was a pleasure dealing with you. A no complication to the point settlement. Your open and honest demeanor helped my ex-partner and I to expediently resolve our financial situation so we can move forward with our lives. Once again thank you.

Chris Monteiro CLIENT

Peter is an outstanding lawyer, with the knowledge, experience and stamina to succeed in family law matters. Would highly recommend his services to anyone who needs to achieve a successful outcome in their proceedings.

Fabio Mazza CLIENT

Our Brisbane Property Settlement Lawyers Expert Guidance

Managing financial and property settlements can be challenging. It’s vital to seek legal advice. At Andrews Family Lawyers, we specialise in helping you achieve a fair settlement. Contact us today for a consultation, and let us guide you on how to divide property.

Let Us Help You !

We’re here to provide expert guidance and support for your legal needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

To find a property settlement lawyer with expertise in family law, you can start by checking the family law section of your state or local law society’s website. This is a good resource that often lists lawyers who specialise in this area.

QLD: https://www.qls.com.au/

You can also ask for referrals from family and friends who have gone through similar situations. Family law mediators and counsellors can also be helpful sources of recommendations.

A property settlement can’t include provisions for matters outside of financial considerations. For example, you cannot organise parenting arrangements. Child support is also generally handled through a separate process. The Court will typically not consider assets not in your possession at the time the settlement is being written, such as a future inheritance. Any assets obtained illegally won’t be included.

There is no requirement to split an asset pool equally. In fact, this is rarely the result. The Court recognises that the fairest way to divide property won’t necessarily involve an equal division. This is because the parties’ circumstances are different. It will consider the parties’ contributions when applying for a property order. It will also establish the future needs of the parties.

The Court doesn’t want parties to revisit court orders constantly. Therefore, once a property order is in place, it is difficult to overturn it. However, there are circumstances where it is possible:

Fraud or Non-Disclosure

If it is discovered that one party engaged in fraud or deliberately failed to disclose relevant information during the property settlement process, the Court may consider overturning the order. This may involve hiding assets or understating their value.

Duress, Undue Influence, or Unconscionable Conduct

If the original order was made under duress, undue influence, or through unconscionable conduct, the Court may review and potentially overturn the settlement.

Material Change in Circumstances

A significant change in circumstances that could not have been foreseen when the order was made may warrant a review. This often relates to matters affecting the child’s welfare of the relationship. It can also include significant financial changes impacting the fairness of the original order.

Practicality of the Order

If it turns out that the order is impractical to implement, or if circumstances have changed, making the original terms impractical, the Court may consider modifications. The bar for this point is high. The order can’t just be inconvenient.

Court attendance is not usually necessary in Brisbane and throughout Australia. Binding financial agreements entered into with independent legal advice can be organised privately. Consent orders are also handled without a court hearing. You may need to attend Court if a dispute arises about a settlement.

1. Asset Pool

A comprehensive list of all assets and liabilities.

2. Financial Contributions

What each party has contributed financially to the relationship. You can make direct and indirect financial contributions.

3. Non-Financial Contributions

Contributions like homemaking and childcare.

4. Future Needs

Factors such as age, health, and earning capacity.

1. Hiding Assets

Full disclosure is a legal requirement; failure to comply can result in penalties.

2. Rushing the Process

Take the time to consider all factors and consult with professionals.

3. Ignoring Tax Implications

Be aware of potential tax consequences when dividing assets.

Financial and property settlements are a complex but crucial part of the separation process. They require careful planning, full disclosure, and, often, professional advice. While it can be stressful, a well-negotiated settlement provides the financial stability and peace of mind needed to start anew.

  1. Financial Disclosure
    Both parties must disclose all assets, debts, and financial resources.
  2. Legal Advice
    Consult a family lawyer to understand your entitlements and obligations.
  3. Negotiation
    Attempt to reach an agreement through negotiation or mediation.
  4. Documentation
    Formalise the agreement through legal documents, such as a Consent Order or Binding Financial Agreement.
  5. Court Approval
    Some settlements may require court approval to become legally binding.