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What Are the Requirements for a Consent Order? (Essential Guide)

What Are the Requirements for a Consent Order? (Essential Guide)

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What Are the Requirements for a Consent Order? (Essential Guide)

When separating couples reach an agreement on dividing their assets or childcare responsibilities, they often seek a consent order to formalise their agreement and make it legally binding.

Acquiring a consent order from the Family Court is essential to ensure that both parties follow the agreed terms and for them to seek legal recourse if necessary. 

In this article, we will discuss the requirements for a consent order in Australia and provide an overview of the essential documents and information you will need.

Important Requirements for a Consent Order

Submitting a clear, well-organised application is crucial for obtaining a consent order swiftly and efficiently. The specific documents required for the application will depend on the nature of the order – (whether it relates to property settlement, parenting arrangements, or spousal maintenance).

However, certain essential documents are generally required for all consent orders:

1. Application for Consent Orders

This form must be completed and submitted to the Family Court. It outlines the terms of the proposed agreement and provides detailed information about the parties’ assets, income, and financial circumstances.

2. Minutes of Consent

This comprehensive document outlines the agreed-upon terms in detail. It must adhere to a specific format and be fully transparent about the parties’ intentions.

3. Parenting Plan (if applicable)

If the consent order deals with parenting arrangements, it is crucial to include a written parenting plan outlining the agreement’s details, such as the children’s care, welfare, and living arrangements.

4. Financial Statements 

The parties involved must provide accurate and current financial statements illustrating their assets, liabilities, and superannuation for consideration by the Family Court.

5. Compliance with Mandatory Legal Advice

If the consent order involves superannuation or pension splitting, each party should provide a signed agreement indicating they have received independent legal advice about the agreement’s ramifications.

Preparing for the requirements for a consent order

Tips for Preparing a Consent Order Application

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, ensuring your application is well-structured and presented is essential.

Here are some tips to streamline the application process for consent orders:

1. Seek Professional Assistance

Engaging an experienced family lawyer can ensure that your application adheres to the court’s specific requirements and has a higher chance of being approved.

2. Be Thorough and Accurate

Providing incomplete or incorrect information can delay the application process and may result in rejection. Take the time to double-check all financial information and ensure the terms of the agreement are accurately represented.

3. Consider Potential Disputes

It is crucial to consider potential disagreements that may arise in the future due to changes in circumstances and address these issues in the application to avoid disputes down the line.

The Process of Obtaining a Consent Order

Once you have prepared your application, the process of submitting it for review and approval by the Family Court is relatively straightforward:

1. File the Application

Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the Family Court. There may be a filing fee, which varies depending on the nature of the order and the case circumstances.

2. Court Review

The court will consider whether the proposed agreement is fair and equitable to both parties, considering their financial circumstances and the children’s best interests.

3. Approval or Amendments

If the court is satisfied with the terms of the agreement, they will approve the order, making it legally binding. However, they may request further information or propose amendments to the terms if there are concerns.

4. Enforcement

Once approved, the consent order must be adhered to by all parties involved and can be enforced by the court if necessary.

AFL - organising of conset order application

For a step-by-step guide on how to obtain a consent order, check out our blog here

The Importance of Complying with a Consent Order

All parties need to understand the implications of a consent order and comply with its terms. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences, including penalties imposed by the court.

Compliance with a consent order maintains the integrity of the agreement and promotes a sense of trust and certainty between the parties.

Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of possible changes to circumstances, such as a significant decrease or increase in assets or income, which can impact the terms of a consent order.

If such a situation arises, seeking legal advice and potentially applying to the court for a variation of the order is recommended to avoid non-compliance.


Obtaining a consent order is a vital step for separating couples in reaching a legal and binding agreement on their financial and parenting obligations.

By understanding the essential documents and information required, preparing a well-structured application, and committing to complying with the order, you can ensure that the process is as smooth and efficient as possible.

If you need assistance with family law matters, Andrews Family Lawyers can help.

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Peter Andrews - Andrews Family Lawyers 4
Principal Solicitor

Peter Andrews

Peter is a qualified legal practitioner with more than twenty years experience, predominantly in family law. Peter began his career with Clayton Utz, before moving into suburban practice in 2007 with a focus on family law settlements.

Peter began his own practice, Peter Andrews Lawyer Pty Ltd, in 2013. After many years of success, the business was rebranded Andrews Family Lawyers in 2022.​

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Peter Andrews - Andrews Family Lawyers 4
Peter Andrews

Peter is a qualified legal practitioner with more than twenty years experience, predominantly in family law. Peter began his career with Clayton Utz, before moving into suburban practice in 2007 with a focus on family law settlements.

Peter began his own practice, Peter Andrews Lawyer Pty Ltd, in 2013. After many years of success, the business was rebranded Andrews Family Lawyers in 2022.​

Peter is a married father of three young, precocious and often annoying children who are still just lovely.